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Dhole: Characteristics, Diet, Facts & More [Fact Sheet]

The dhole, also known as the Asiatic wild dog, Indian wild dog, or red dog, is a unique and fascinating canid species native to Central, South, and Southeast Asia.

Known for their distinctive vocalizations and remarkable hunting strategies, dholes play a crucial role in maintaining the ecological balance in their habitats.

This article offers an in-depth look at the dhole, exploring its classification, physical characteristics, behavior, diet, and the conservation challenges it faces, providing a comprehensive understanding of this lesser-known yet ecologically important predator.

The Dhole at a Glance


Class:Mammalia (Mammals)
Species:C. alpinus

Essential Information

Average Size:Length: 35 to 43 inches (90 to 110 cm); Height: 17 to 22 inches (44 to 56 cm) at the shoulder
Average Weight:26 to 44 pounds (12 to 20 kg)
Average Lifespan:Up to 10 years in the wild
Geographical Range:Central, South, and Southeast Asia
Conservation Status:Endangered (IUCN Red List)

Species and Subspecies

The dhole (Cuon alpinus) is the only extant species in the genus Cuon. Within this species, there are several subspecies, differentiated mainly by their geographic distribution and subtle variations in size and coloration. These subspecies include:

  • Cuon alpinus alpinus: Found in the central Asian region.
  • Cuon alpinus primaevus: Inhabits the northern parts of South Asia.
  • Cuon alpinus lepturus: Native to the southeastern Asian region.
  • Cuon alpinus dukhunensis: Located in the western and central parts of India.

Each subspecies adapts to its specific environment but shares the common characteristics of the species, such as pack behavior, hunting strategies, and vocalization patterns. Understanding these subspecies is vital for targeted conservation efforts, as their habitat requirements and threats may vary.



The dhole is a medium-sized canid with a lean and muscular build, adapted for endurance and agility. Adult dholes typically measure about 35 to 43 inches in length, with a shoulder height of 17 to 22 inches, and weigh between 26 to 44 pounds.

They have a reddish-brown coat, which can vary in shade depending on the subspecies and their geographical location, with lighter fur on their belly, chest, and throat.

Distinctive physical features of dholes include their rounded ears, bushy tail, and dark muzzle. Another unique characteristic is their dentition; they have fewer teeth than most other canid species, with a specialized carnassial pair that allows them to efficiently process meat. Sexual dimorphism in dholes is relatively minimal, although males are generally slightly larger and more robust than females.

Habitat and Distribution

Dholes are found across a wide range of environments in Central, South, and Southeast Asia. Their habitats include dense forests, alpine steppes, and thick jungles, extending from the Russian Far East across the Indian subcontinent to Southeast Asia, including countries like India, Thailand, and Indonesia.

Adaptability to different terrains is a key survival trait for dholes. They are often found in areas with abundant water sources and prey availability. The dhole’s preference for forested and thicketed areas assists in their hunting strategy and provides shelter and protection.



Dholes are diurnal animals, being most active during the day. They are known for their extraordinary stamina and can traverse long distances in search of food or during migration.

One of the most notable aspects of dhole behavior is their pack structure. They live and hunt in highly social and cooperative packs, typically consisting of 5 to 12 individuals, but sometimes up to 40. Pack hierarchy is evident, but they exhibit a high level of cooperation, especially during hunts.

Dholes have a complex system of vocalizations, which includes whistles, screams, and clucks. These sounds are used for coordinating during hunts and maintaining contact within the dense forests they inhabit. They also use scent marking and body language as part of their communication repertoire.

The behavior of dholes, particularly their social dynamics and communication, is integral to their survival in the wild. Their pack-oriented lifestyle not only makes them effective hunters but also plays a crucial role in maintaining the balance in their ecosystems.

Diet and Feeding Behavior

Dholes are highly efficient carnivores, primarily preying on medium-sized ungulates such as deer, wild boar, and antelope. They are also known to hunt smaller mammals, birds, and reptiles.

Dholes have a unique hunting strategy that relies on the strength and coordination of the pack. They are known to chase their prey over long distances, exhausting the animal before making the final kill.

The cooperative nature of their hunting allows them to take down prey much larger than an individual dhole could handle alone. They are also known to consume their prey quickly, which is thought to be an adaptation to avoid losing their meal to other predators.


As apex predators, adult dholes have few natural enemies. However, they do face competition from other large predators in their habitat, such as tigers and leopards. These larger predators can occasionally pose a threat, particularly to young or injured dholes.

Human activities pose the most significant threat to dholes, including habitat destruction, direct persecution, and competition for prey with human hunting activities. They also face threats from diseases, both natural and those transmitted from domestic animals.


Reproduction and Life Cycle

Dholes generally breed once a year, with mating typically occurring between November and December. The gestation period lasts about 60 to 63 days, after which the female gives birth to a litter of 4 to 6 pups, although litters of up to 12 pups have been recorded.

The pack plays an essential role in the rearing of young. Pups are born in dens, usually repurposed burrows of other animals, and are cared for by the entire pack. This includes feeding the mother and the pups, and later, helping to train the pups in hunting techniques.

Pups are weaned at around the age of 2 to 3 months and begin participating in hunts by the age of 8 months. They reach sexual maturity at around 2 years of age.

The social structure of the pack provides a supportive environment for the growth and development of the young dholes, ensuring a high survival rate and the continuation of the pack structure.

Conservation and Threats

The dhole (Cuon alpinus) is classified as “Endangered” on the IUCN Red List. The primary threats to their survival include habitat loss due to deforestation, human encroachment, and competition with humans for prey.

Additionally, they are vulnerable to diseases transmitted from domestic animals and are often persecuted due to perceived threats to livestock.

Conservation efforts for dholes are focused on habitat protection and restoration, creating wildlife corridors to connect fragmented habitats, and reducing human-dhole conflicts.

Some initiatives include community-based conservation programs, which aim to involve local communities in dhole conservation efforts. Protecting the dhole also involves ensuring the availability of sufficient prey and mitigating the impact of infectious diseases.

Fun Facts

  1. Whistling Hunters: Dholes are often called “whistling hunters” due to their distinctive whistles, which they use for communication during hunts and to maintain group cohesion.
  2. Communal Care: In a dhole pack, all members participate in caring for the young, demonstrating a high level of social cooperation unique among canids.
  3. Endurance Runners: Dholes are exceptional endurance runners, capable of chasing down prey over long distances at a consistent pace.
  4. Pack Hunters: A dhole pack can take down prey much larger than an individual dhole, showcasing their effective collaborative hunting strategy.
  5. Remarkable Jumpers: Dholes are skilled jumpers, able to leap over obstacles and navigate their forested habitats with agility.

Frequently Asked Questions

What do dholes eat?

Dholes primarily feed on medium-sized ungulates like deer and wild boar, but they also hunt smaller animals, including birds and reptiles.

How many dholes live in a pack?

Dhole packs typically consist of 5 to 12 individuals, but some packs can have up to 40 members.

Where can dholes be found?

Dholes are native to Central, South, and Southeast Asia, inhabiting a range of environments from dense forests to alpine steppes.

Are dholes dangerous to humans?

Dholes are generally shy and avoid contact with humans. There are very few, if any, recorded instances of dholes being a threat to people.

How can we help in conserving dholes?

Supporting habitat conservation efforts, participating in or contributing to wildlife conservation programs, and spreading awareness about the importance of dholes in ecosystems can aid in their conservation.

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