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Dragonfly: Characteristics, Diet, Facts & More [Fact Sheet]

Dragonflies, the shimmering and agile rulers of the air, have fascinated humans for centuries with their vibrant colors and impressive flying abilities.

As ancient as the dinosaurs, dragonflies have a history that spans over 300 million years, making them one of the oldest insect species on Earth.

This article delves into the captivating world of dragonflies, exploring their classification, species diversity, physical attributes, and much more, offering a comprehensive fact sheet for enthusiasts and casual learners alike.

The Dragonfly at a Glance


Class:Insecta (Insects)
Family:Various (e.g., Aeshnidae, Libellulidae)

Essential Information

Average Size:Wingspan: 2 to 5 inches (5 to 12.7 cm); Body length: 1 to 4 inches (2.5 to 10.16 cm)
Average Weight:0.6 to 1 gram
Average Lifespan:6 months to 7 years (varies greatly between species)
Geographical Range:Worldwide, except Antarctica
Conservation Status:Varies by species; ranges from Least Concern to Endangered (IUCN Red List)

Species and Subspecies

Dragonflies are a diverse group with over 3,000 species worldwide, classified into two primary suborders: the true dragonflies (Anisoptera) and damselflies (Zygoptera). These suborders differ in several key aspects:

  • True Dragonflies (Anisoptera): Larger body size, wings open when at rest.
  • Damselflies (Zygoptera): Slender bodies, wings closed when at rest.

Some notable species include:

  • Common Hawker (Aeshna juncea): Found in Europe and Asia, known for its large size and blue-green body.
  • Emperor Dragonfly (Anax imperator): A large and powerful flier, widespread in Europe and neighboring regions.
  • Blue Dasher (Pachydiplax longipennis): Common in North America, recognizable by its blue body and green eyes.

Each species has unique characteristics, from vivid colors to distinct flight patterns, making them a fascinating study for entomologists and nature enthusiasts.



True dragonflies, belonging to the suborder Anisoptera, are known for their robust and elongated bodies, with a size range that generally spans from 1 to 4 inches (2.5 to 10.16 cm) in body length. Their wingspan can extend from 2 to 5 inches (5 to 12.7 cm).

These insects are admired for their brilliant and varied colors, ranging from vivid blues and greens to more subtle browns and reds. Their two pairs of strong, transparent wings and large compound eyes, which can cover almost the entire head, are distinctive features. The wings are unique, with the hind wings broader at the base than the front wings, enabling remarkable agility in flight.

Dragonflies possess a specialized anatomy that sets them apart as exceptional fliers. Their wings operate independently, allowing for precise maneuvering, hovering, and even backward flight.

The powerful muscles in their thorax contribute to their speed and agility. Their compound eyes are among the most sophisticated in the insect world, providing near 360-degree vision, which is crucial for detecting movement and capturing prey.

In many dragonfly species, males and females can be distinguished by differences in coloration and patterns on the body and wings. Males often exhibit more vibrant colors, which are used to attract females and ward off rivals. In some species, females may have a more muted or camouflaged appearance, providing protection against predators.

Habitat and Distribution

True dragonflies are found in a variety of habitats across the globe, with the exception of Antarctica. They are predominantly associated with freshwater environments, such as ponds, lakes, wetlands, rivers, and streams. Dragonflies require these water bodies for breeding and development, as their larvae (nymphs) are aquatic.

Geographically, their distribution is vast, spanning every continent except Antarctica. Different species have adapted to a range of ecological niches, from deserts to tropical rainforests. Some species are known to migrate, like the globe skimmer (Pantala flavescens), which undertakes long-distance migrations.



Dragonflies are predominantly diurnal, being most active during the daytime. Their behavior is largely driven by the need to feed and reproduce. They are territorial creatures, with males often engaging in aerial battles to defend their breeding territories.

Dragonflies are generally solitary, especially when it comes to feeding and living. However, during mating and breeding seasons, they may gather in large numbers. Males vigorously defend their territories around prime breeding sites to attract females.

Dragonflies do not produce sounds for communication. Instead, they rely on body language and visual cues. Complex aerial displays and movements are used during courtship and territorial disputes. Their large, expressive eyes are vital in detecting the presence of potential mates, rivals, and prey.

Diet and Feeding Behavior

Dragonflies are predatory both in their larval (nymph) stage and as adults.

Larval Diet: In their aquatic nymph form, dragonflies feed on a variety of organisms, including tadpoles, small fish, and aquatic insects. Their extendable lower lip (labium) is a specialized hunting tool that can swiftly snatch prey.

Adult Diet: As adults, dragonflies are aerial hunters, preying on a wide range of insects such as mosquitoes, flies, bees, butterflies, and even other smaller dragonflies. Their exceptional flying skills and acute vision make them efficient hunters, capable of catching their prey mid-air.

Adult dragonflies typically hunt from a perch, swiftly taking off to snatch their prey in flight and often returning to the same perch. Their strong and toothed mandibles are used to crush and consume their prey.


Despite being formidable predators themselves, dragonflies face threats from various animals at different stages of their life cycle.

In the Water: As nymphs, they are preyed upon by fish, amphibians like frogs and newts, and larger aquatic insects.

In the Air: Adult dragonflies are vulnerable to birds, especially swift-flying species like swallows and kingbirds. Larger species of dragonflies can also fall prey to bats, spiders, and occasionally other larger dragonflies.

Predator Avoidance: Dragonflies utilize their agility and speed in flight to evade predators, and their cryptic coloration can help them blend into their surroundings.


Reproduction and Life Cycle

The life cycle of a dragonfly is fascinating, involving a complete metamorphosis from water-bound nymph to the majestic aerial adult.

Mating typically involves a unique formation known as a “mating wheel,” where the male grasps the female behind the head, and the female bends her abdomen to receive sperm from the male. This can occur in flight or while perched.

After mating, females lay their eggs in or near water. Some species drop them into the water while flying, whereas others insert them into plant tissue.

The eggs hatch into nymphs, which live in water and go through multiple molts as they grow. This stage can last from a few months to several years, depending on the species and environmental conditions.

Once fully grown, the nymph emerges from the water, shedding its skin to reveal the adult dragonfly. This newly emerged adult, known as a teneral, is soft and highly vulnerable until its exoskeleton hardens.

Adult dragonflies typically live for a few weeks to a few months, during which time their primary focuses are feeding and reproducing.

Conservation and Threats

The conservation status of dragonflies varies widely among species. While many are common and have stable populations, others are considered threatened or endangered due to habitat loss, pollution, and climate change.

The primary threats to dragonflies include:

  • Habitat Destruction: Wetland drainage, water pollution, and urbanization lead to the loss of breeding and feeding habitats.
  • Climate Change: Altered weather patterns can affect dragonfly breeding cycles and food availability.
  • Pesticides: The use of chemicals in agriculture can decrease insect populations, reducing food sources for dragonflies.

Conservation efforts for dragonflies focus on habitat protection and restoration, pollution control, and public awareness campaigns. Some regions have specific programs targeting endangered species, involving monitoring populations and breeding programs.

Fun Facts

  1. Ancient Insects: Dragonflies are among the oldest known insects, with fossils dating back over 300 million years.
  2. Eyesight: A dragonfly’s eyes contain up to 30,000 individual lenses, giving them incredible vision that encompasses almost every angle except right behind them.
  3. Speed: Some dragonflies can fly at speeds over 30 miles per hour (48 kilometers per hour).
  4. Flight Capabilities: Dragonflies are capable of flying straight up and down, hovering like a helicopter, and even flying backward.
  5. Symbolism: In many cultures, dragonflies symbolize change, adaptability, and the deeper meaning of life.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long do dragonflies live?

Adult dragonflies typically live for a few weeks to a few months, but including their time as nymphs, their lifespan can range from six months to several years.

Can dragonflies bite or sting?

Dragonflies do not have a sting, and while they can bite, their bite is harmless to humans and is rarely felt.

Why are dragonflies important?

Dragonflies play a crucial role in ecosystems as both predators and prey. They help control populations of insects like mosquitoes, contributing to the balance of their habitats.

Do dragonflies migrate?

Yes, some species of dragonflies are known to migrate. The globe skimmer, for example, makes one of the longest migrations of any insect.

What do dragonflies eat?

Adult dragonflies primarily eat other insects, which they catch in mid-air. This includes mosquitoes, flies, bees, and other small insects.

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