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Meet The National Bird of Israel, The Eurasian Hoopoe

Israel, a land rich in history and diverse in its natural beauty, proudly claims the Eurasian Hoopoe (Upupa epops) as its national bird. This striking bird, with its unmistakable ‘crown’ of feathers and unique presence, was chosen as a symbol of Israel’s 60th anniversary in May 2008.

The Eurasian Hoopoe, known for its distinctive appearance and intriguing behaviors, not only captivates bird enthusiasts but also holds a special place in cultural folklore and mythology. Delve into the world of this captivating bird that, with its notable stench and beautiful plumage, mirrors the complexity and resilience of the land it represents.

Quick Info About The Eurasian Hoopoe

Scientific Name:Upupa epops
Average Size:25–32 cm (9.8–12.6 in)
Average Wingspan:44–48 cm (17–19 in)
Average Weight:46–89 g (1.6–3.1 oz)
Average Lifespan:Typically 5-10 years in the wild
Geographical Range:Europe, Asia, and the northern half of Africa
Habitat:Open woodlands, savannas, grasslands, farmlands
Conservation Status:Least Concern (IUCN Red List)

Meet The Eurasian Hoopoe, National Bird of Israel

The Eurasian Hoopoe is a medium-sized bird, easily recognized by its distinctive ‘crown’ of orange feathers with black tips. Its body is a lovely cinnamon color, with black and white wings that give a stunning effect in flight, often likened to a large butterfly. The long, thin, downcurved bill is adept at probing the soil for food.

Sexual dimorphism in hoopoes is subtle, with females being slightly duller in color than males. They play a vital role in their ecosystem, primarily feeding on insects, spiders, and worms, thus contributing to pest control. Their predators include birds of prey and small mammals.

A unique feature of the hoopoe is its nesting behavior, often choosing tree holes or crevices in buildings to lay eggs. The female ‘paints’ the eggs with a secretion from her beak, which changes their color and helps protect them from infections. This bird’s song, a melodic “oop-oop-oop,” is as distinctive as its appearance and is a joyful herald of spring in many parts of its range.

Israel Eurasian Hoopoe

Where Does The Eurasian Hoopoe Live?

The Eurasian Hoopoe, a bird of varied habitats, is found across a wide geographical range that includes Europe, Asia, and the northern half of Africa. In Israel, it is commonly seen in open woodlands, savannas, grasslands, and agricultural areas.

The hoopoe adapts well to a range of environments but shows a preference for areas with access to soft, penetrable soil for foraging its insect prey.

The hoopoe’s habitat in Israel is characterized by a Mediterranean climate, featuring hot, dry summers and mild, wetter winters. These conditions provide an ideal environment for the hoopoe, enabling it to thrive in both rural and suburban settings.

Why and When Did The Eurasian Hoopoe Become The National Bird of Israel?

The Eurasian Hoopoe was declared the national bird of Israel on May 29, 2008, by President Shimon Peres, coinciding with the country’s 60th anniversary. This decision followed a national survey involving 155,000 citizens, where the hoopoe outpolled other contenders such as the white-spectacled bulbul.

The hoopoe’s selection as Israel’s national bird was symbolic, reflecting not only its widespread presence in the country but also its cultural and historical significance.

The bird, known as ‘duchifat’ in Hebrew, has been part of Israeli folklore and mythology for centuries. Its distinctive crown of feathers and unique call have made it a beloved figure in various cultural narratives.

There were no significant controversies or debates regarding its designation as a national symbol. Instead, the hoopoe is widely regarded with affection and pride, symbolizing the beauty and diversity of Israel’s natural environment.

Israel Eurasian Hoopoe

Where is The Eurasian Hoopoe Featured in Israel?

In Israel, the Eurasian Hoopoe, while not prominently featured on national emblems such as the flag or currency, holds a place of affection in the cultural and social fabric of the country. The bird’s image and name are often used in educational materials, conservation campaigns, and as a subject in Israeli art and literature.

The hoopoe’s significance is celebrated in various forms, from children’s books to stamps, showcasing the nation’s wildlife. While it may not be directly used in naming significant national items such as currency, its status as a national bird ensures that it remains a symbol of Israel’s commitment to preserving its natural heritage, often inspiring names and themes in local culture and folklore.

Names of The Eurasian Hoopoe

The Eurasian Hoopoe, known scientifically as Upupa epops, goes by various names across different regions. In Israel, it’s commonly referred to as ‘duchifat’ in Hebrew.

The English name ‘Hoopoe’ is believed to be an onomatopoeic representation of the bird’s call, which sounds like “oop-oop-oop.” The scientific name Upupa is the Latin word for the hoopoe, and epops is derived from the Ancient Greek word for this bird.

In various cultures, the hoopoe is known by names that reflect its distinctive appearance or behavior. For instance, in French, it is called ‘huppée,’ meaning crested, referring to its notable crown of feathers. Folk names in different cultures often emphasize the bird’s unique call or its crest.

Is The Eurasian Hoopoe Endangered?

The Eurasian Hoopoe is currently listed as “Least Concern” by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). This status indicates that the bird is not at immediate risk of extinction on a global scale.

However, like many bird species, the hoopoe faces challenges such as habitat loss due to urbanization, agricultural practices, and the use of pesticides, which can reduce their food supply.

Conservation efforts for the Eurasian Hoopoe involve habitat protection and sustainable land-use practices. Educational programs and conservation campaigns help raise awareness about the hoopoe’s ecological role and the importance of preserving its natural habitats.

Israel Eurasian Hoopoe

Interesting Facts About The Eurasian Hoopoe

  1. Unique Nesting Behavior: The Eurasian Hoopoe is known for its unusual habit of ‘painting’ its eggs with a secretion produced by the female, changing their color and protecting them from infection.
  2. Distinctive Flight Pattern: The hoopoe has broad and rounded wings, enabling strong flight with a characteristic undulating pattern, resembling that of a giant butterfly.
  3. Cultural Significance: The hoopoe has been mentioned in various cultural texts, including the Bible, where it is listed as a non-kosher bird, and in the Quran, in a story involving King Solomon.
  4. Defensive Mechanisms: Hoopoe chicks can aim and ‘shoot’ feces at predators to deter them, a unique defense strategy among birds.
  5. Mythological References: The hoopoe has featured in Ancient Greek, Egyptian, and Chinese mythologies, and was even considered by the Vikings as a harbinger of war.
  6. Adaptations for Foraging: The hoopoe’s long, thin bill is perfectly adapted for probing the soil for insects, and its sticky tongue aids in catching prey.

Other Beautiful Birds Native To Israel

Israel’s diverse habitats are home to a wide variety of bird species, each adding to the country’s rich avian diversity. Here are five notable birds native to or commonly found in Israel:

  • White-throated Kingfisher (Halcyon smyrnensis): Vibrantly colored, this kingfisher is often found near water bodies and is known for its striking blue and chestnut plumage.
  • Griffon Vulture (Gyps fulvus): A large and majestic bird of prey, critical to the ecosystem as a scavenger and found in the mountainous regions.
  • Palestine Sunbird (Cinnyris osea): A small bird with iridescent plumage, known for its acrobatic flight while feeding on nectar.
  • Barn Owl (Tyto alba): Widely distributed, this owl is recognized for its unique heart-shaped face and plays a vital role in controlling rodent populations.
  • Bee-eater (Merops apiaster): With their colorful plumage and graceful flight, bee-eaters are a delightful sight, often seen hunting insects mid-air.
Israel Eurasian Hoopoe

What Is Another National Animal of Israel?

The Mountain Gazelle (Gazella gazella), also known as the Israeli Gazelle, is the national animal of Israel. This elegant and agile creature is symbolic of the natural beauty and biodiversity of the region. The Mountain Gazelle is characterized by its slender build, long, curved horns, and distinctive markings, including striking white stripes on its face.

Inhabiting the open plains, hills, and mountainous regions of Israel, the gazelle plays a crucial role in the ecosystem as a grazer, influencing vegetation patterns. Unfortunately, the Mountain Gazelle faces threats from habitat loss, hunting, and predation, leading to a decline in its population.

Conservation efforts for the Mountain Gazelle in Israel focus on habitat preservation, anti-poaching measures, and awareness campaigns. The gazelle’s status as a national symbol underscores the importance of wildlife conservation and the need to maintain the natural heritage of the country.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why was the Eurasian Hoopoe chosen as Israel’s national bird?

The Eurasian Hoopoe was chosen for its cultural significance, unique appearance, and widespread presence in Israel, reflecting the nation’s natural heritage.

Is the Eurasian Hoopoe common in Israel?

Yes, the Eurasian Hoopoe is commonly seen in various habitats across Israel, particularly in open woodlands and grasslands.

What does the Eurasian Hoopoe eat?

The Eurasian Hoopoe primarily feeds on insects, spiders, and worms, which it hunts by probing the soil with its long bill.

Can the Eurasian Hoopoe be found in urban areas?

While the Eurasian Hoopoe prefers natural open habitats, it can occasionally be spotted in gardens and parks within urban areas.

What are the distinctive features of the Eurasian Hoopoe?

The Eurasian Hoopoe is noted for its orange crest of feathers, black and white wings, long downcurved bill, and its unique “oop-oop-oop” call.

Other National Symbols of Israel

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