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Bird of Paradise: Characteristics, Diet, Facts & More [Fact Sheet]

Welcome to this comprehensive guide on the extraordinary birds of paradise. Renowned for their dazzling plumage and remarkable courtship displays, these avian marvels are true wonders of the animal kingdom.

Whether you’re a passionate birdwatcher, an aspiring ornithologist, or simply someone captivated by the natural world, this article aims to provide an in-depth look into the life and characteristics of these incredible birds.

The Bird of Paradise at a Glance


Class:Aves (Birds)

Essential Information

Average Size:6-43 in (15-110 cm)
Average Weight:0.1-1.4 lbs (50-650 g)
Average Lifespan:5-8 years
Geographical Range:Papua New Guinea, Eastern Australia, Indonesia
Conservation Status:Varies, Least Concern to Vulnerable (IUCN Red List)

Species and Subspecies

There are around 42 species of birds of paradise, each with its own unique set of features and behaviors. The birds belong to the family Paradisaeidae and are mostly found in Papua New Guinea, Eastern Australia, and Indonesia. Some well-known species include the Greater Bird-of-Paradise, the King of Saxony Bird-of-Paradise, and Wilson’s Bird-of-Paradise.

  • Greater Bird-of-Paradise: Known for its radiant yellow and brown feathers, this bird is one of the larger species, averaging around 43 cm in length.
  • King of Saxony Bird-of-Paradise: This species has long, ornamental feathers extending from its head that can be up to twice the length of its body.
  • Wilson’s Bird-of-Paradise: Recognizable by its vibrant colors and unique, bald, blue head. It’s one of the smaller species, measuring around 16 cm in length.

These species are just the tip of the iceberg. Each has its unique form of courtship, vocalizations, and diet, making them incredibly interesting to study.

Bird of paradise in foliage


Birds of paradise are often characterized by their extraordinary appearance, which can include an array of vibrant colors—ranging from iridescent blues to radiant yellows—and peculiar feather arrangements that are unlike anything else in the avian world.

Their sizes vary significantly across species, ranging from as small as 6 inches (15 cm) to as large as 43 inches (110 cm). Males are typically the more ornate sex, adorned with elaborate plumes, wattles, or even long, ribbon-like feathers.

These extravagant features are primarily used in courtship displays to attract females, who are generally more subdued in appearance.

Sexual dimorphism is often striking in birds of paradise, with males being much more colorful and adorned with longer, ornate feathers compared to the rather inconspicuous and often brownish females. This disparity is a result of sexual selection, wherein females choose mates based on specific aesthetic or performance traits.

Habitat and Distribution

Birds of paradise predominantly inhabit the tropical rainforests of Papua New Guinea, Eastern Australia, and parts of Indonesia. However, their specific habitats can range from montane forests to lowland jungles and even swampy areas.

They are generally most abundant in undisturbed forests but can be found in logged forests and, to some extent, in cultivated areas. Elevation preferences vary among species, with some species found at sea level and others at elevations of up to 11,000 feet (3,300 meters).

Bird of paradise in a zoo


Most species of birds of paradise are diurnal – active during the day, particularly in the early morning and late afternoon. They spend a significant amount of time foraging and participating in courtship displays.

Birds of paradise tend to be solitary or live in small groups. Some species are polygamous, with males gathering in communal display sites known as “leks” to perform for choosy females.

These birds have a wide repertoire of vocalizations used for various forms of communication, from attracting a mate to issuing warning calls. Some species are also capable of mimicking the sounds of other birds or even mechanical noises. Males often accompany their songs with elaborate dances, postures, and feather displays to attract females.

Diet and Feeding Behavior

Birds of paradise have a varied diet that can include fruit, seeds, nectar, and small animals such as insects and arachnids. Some species specialize in frugivory, primarily consuming fruit, while others may lean more towards insectivory. They usually forage in the canopy but will sometimes venture to the ground to find food.

These birds employ a range of feeding behaviors, from plucking fruit while hovering in the air to gleaning insects from tree branches. Some species have even been observed using their feet to hold onto food items. The choice of foraging method often depends on the food available and the specific adaptations of each species.


Birds of paradise face various threats from natural predators depending on their life stage. Eggs and chicks are vulnerable to arboreal snakes and various species of birds like crows and raptors.

Adults, due to their relatively large size and agility, have fewer natural predators but can fall victim to birds of prey or larger mammals when they are on the ground. Their brilliant colors, while advantageous for mating, can also make them more visible to predators.

Bird of paradise

Reproduction and Life Cycle

Breeding behaviors among birds of paradise are as diverse as their physical appearances. Most species are polygynous, meaning a single male will mate with multiple females.

The males often engage in elaborate courtship displays that involve intricate dances, vocalizations, and feather displays. These displays can take place in communal leks, where multiple males compete for the attention of females.

The incubation period for the eggs varies by species but generally lasts between 16 to 22 days. The female usually lays one to three eggs in a clutch and assumes the responsibility for incubation and care of the young, as males are generally absent after mating.

The chicks are often altricial, meaning they are born helpless and require significant care until they can fend for themselves.

Conservation and Threats

The conservation status of birds of paradise varies by species. Some are abundant and not considered threatened, while others face various levels of risk. Habitat loss due to deforestation is the most significant threat, along with hunting for their vibrant feathers.

Major threats include habitat loss, hunting, and in some cases, capture for the exotic pet trade. Deforestation for agriculture or logging is rapidly shrinking the natural habitat of these birds.

There are ongoing conservation programs focused on habitat preservation and anti-poaching measures. Creating awareness about the ecological importance of these birds is another vital aspect of conservation efforts. In some areas, ecotourism has been encouraged to help locals understand the value of preserving these remarkable species.

Fun Facts

  1. Some male birds of paradise have evolved super-black feathers that absorb 99.95% of direct light to make their colors appear even more vivid.
  2. The King of Saxony bird of paradise has head plumes that can be longer than its body.
  3. The Western Parotia bird of paradise does a ballet-like dance during its courtship display.
  4. The Ribbon-tailed Astrapia has tail feathers that can be three times the length of its body.
  5. Some birds of paradise have UV vision and their feathers have patterns that are only visible in ultraviolet light.

Frequently Asked Questions

How many species of birds of paradise are there?

There are around 42 known species, although this number could change with further scientific study.

Where can I see birds of paradise in the wild?

The majority of species are found in Papua New Guinea, parts of Australia, and eastern Indonesia.

Are birds of paradise good pets?

No, these birds are wild animals with specific needs that are extremely difficult to meet in a home setting.

Why are they called birds of ‘paradise’?

The name is thought to come from early explorers who were amazed by their extraordinary beauty and believed that such birds must come from paradise.

How long do birds of paradise live?

The lifespan can vary widely between species, but many can live up to 5–8 years in the wild. Some species may live longer under human care.

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