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Collared Peccary: Characteristics, Diet, Facts & More [Fact Sheet]

The Collared Peccary, commonly known as the Javelina, is a fascinating and unique creature of the Americas. Resembling a wild pig, this animal is often misunderstood and less known than its distant relatives.

This article aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the Collared Peccary, from its distinct physical characteristics to its social behaviors and ecological importance. We will explore the various aspects of its life, shedding light on this remarkable animal that plays a vital role in its ecosystem.

The Collared Peccary at a Glance


Class:Mammalia (Mammals)
Species:P. tajacu

Essential Information

Average Size:Length: 3 to 4 feet (0.9 to 1.2 meters) Height: 1.5 to 2 feet (45 to 60 cm)
Average Weight:35 to 60 pounds (16 to 27 kg)
Average Lifespan:10 to 15 years
Geographical Range:Southwestern United States to Northern Argentina
Conservation Status:Least Concern (IUCN Red List)

Species and Subspecies

The Collared Peccary, or Pecari tajacu, is a species with several subspecies that vary slightly in size, color, and habitat preferences. Key subspecies include:

  • Pecari tajacu tajacu: Found in the Amazon basin, characterized by a prominent dark collar.
  • Pecari tajacu sonoriensis: Inhabits the Sonoran Desert; lighter in color with a less distinct collar.
  • Pecari tajacu nigripectus: Located in Central America, known for its darker coloration and robust build.

Despite these differences, all subspecies share the common traits of the species, such as the distinctive collar-like marking around the neck and shoulders, which gives the Collared Peccary its name.

Collared Peccary


The Collared Peccary is a medium-sized mammal with a robust body, short legs, and a small head. Its most distinctive feature is the dark “collar” around its neck and shoulders, contrasting with the lighter gray or brown body. The skin is covered with coarse, bristly hair. They have a short tail, barely visible under their fur.

Unique among the peccaries is the presence of a scent gland located on the top of the rump, used for marking territory and social interactions. They have sharp tusks that continuously grow; these tusks are actually modified canine teeth, used for defense and digging.

In Collared Peccaries, sexual dimorphism is minimal. Males and females are similar in size and appearance, although males may have slightly larger tusks.

Habitat and Distribution

Collared Peccaries are widely distributed, ranging from the Southwestern United States through Mexico, Central America, and into South America as far as Northern Argentina.

They are adaptable to various habitats but primarily inhabit areas with dense vegetation, such as tropical and subtropical forests, deserts, and chaparral. They are also found in grasslands and dry shrublands, showing remarkable adaptability to different environmental conditions.

Collared Peccary


Collared Peccaries are diurnal, with most of their activity occurring during the day. They are known for their resilience and adaptability, which help them survive in varied environments.

These animals are highly social and live in groups called herds or squadrons, typically consisting of 6 to 15 individuals, but sometimes up to 50. The group structure is complex, with strong social bonds and a hierarchy that is maintained through interactions.

Communication in Collared Peccaries includes a range of vocalizations, from woofs and grunts to barks when alarmed. They also communicate through body language and the scent from their gland, which plays a crucial role in social bonding and territorial marking.

Collared Peccaries have a high tolerance to temperature variations, which is key to their survival in both desert and tropical climates. They often partake in dust bathing, which helps them control parasites and maintain their skin and fur health.

Diet and Feeding Behavior

Collared Peccaries are omnivores with a diet that varies depending on the availability of food sources in their habitat. They primarily feed on a variety of plants, including cacti, fruits, nuts, roots, and tubers. They also consume small amounts of animal matter such as invertebrates and small vertebrates when available.

These animals are opportunistic feeders. They forage in groups, using their strong snouts to dig and overturn soil in search of food. Their feeding behavior plays a significant role in seed dispersal and in shaping the vegetation of their habitats.


Collared Peccaries face several natural predators, including:

  • Large Carnivores: Mountain lions, jaguars, and coyotes are among the primary predators of the Collared Peccary.
  • Birds of Prey: Eagles and large hawks may prey on juveniles.
  • Humans: Hunting and habitat encroachment by humans also pose significant threats to their populations.
Collared Peccary

Reproduction and Life Cycle

Collared Peccaries do not have a specific breeding season and can mate throughout the year. The social structure of the herd plays an important role in breeding, with dominant males typically mating with multiple females.

The gestation period for Collared Peccaries is approximately 145 to 150 days. Females typically give birth to one to three offspring. The young, known as “reds” due to their reddish-brown fur, are precocial and can walk shortly after birth. They are nursed for several months but start eating solid food within a few weeks.

The herd provides protection to the young, with all members participating in their care and defense. This communal care helps in the survival and growth of the juveniles, reinforcing the social bonds within the herd.

Conservation and Threats

The Collared Peccary is currently listed as “Least Concern” by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). This status indicates that, at present, they are not considered at risk of extinction on a global scale.

Despite their stable status, Collared Peccaries face several threats, including:

  • Habitat loss due to deforestation and agricultural expansion.
  • Hunting for their meat and hide, particularly in certain regions.
  • Competition with domestic livestock and encroachment by human settlements.

Conservation efforts for the Collared Peccary include:

  • Habitat protection and management, especially in areas with significant human encroachment.
  • Monitoring populations in regions where hunting or habitat loss is prevalent.
  • Environmental education programs to raise awareness of their ecological role and the need for conservation.

Fun Facts

  1. ‘New World’ Pigs: Collared Peccaries are often mistaken for pigs but are actually part of a different family native to the Americas.
  2. Distinctive Scent: Their scent gland, which emits a strong musky odor, has earned them the nickname “musk hogs.”
  3. Social Creatures: They have complex social structures and are known for their strong bonds, with herd members often sleeping close together for warmth and safety.
  4. Desert Survivors: In arid environments, Collared Peccaries can survive with very little water, obtaining moisture from the food they eat.
  5. Rooting Behavior: Their rooting behavior, while foraging, helps aerate the soil, promoting plant growth and contributing to the health of their ecosystems.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do Collared Peccaries make good pets?

No, Collared Peccaries are wild animals with specific needs and behaviors that make them unsuitable for domestication.

Can Collared Peccaries be aggressive?

While generally not aggressive towards humans, they can defend themselves vigorously when threatened, using their sharp tusks.

What is the difference between a Collared Peccary and a wild boar?

Collared Peccaries are smaller, belong to a different family (Tayassuidae), and are native to the Americas, while wild boars are part of the pig family (Suidae) and have a broader global distribution.

How do Collared Peccaries adapt to desert environments?

They adapt by consuming moisture-rich plants, limiting water loss, and modifying their activity patterns to avoid the extreme heat of the day.

What role do Collared Peccaries play in their ecosystem?

They are important seed dispersers and help control vegetation through their foraging. Their rooting behavior also aids in soil aeration and nutrient distribution.

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