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Eagles: Characteristics, Diet, Facts & More [Fact Sheet]

Eagles, with their formidable size and commanding presence, are among the most awe-inspiring birds in the world. Renowned for their sharp vision and powerful flight, these raptors have fascinated and inspired humans for centuries.

This article provides a comprehensive look at these majestic birds, exploring their classification, physical characteristics, behavior, and the crucial role they play in ecosystems around the globe.

Eagles at a Glance


Class:Aves (Birds)
Genus:Multiple, including Haliaeetus (bald eagles), Aquila (golden eagles)
Species:Over 60 species including Haliaeetus leucocephalus (Bald Eagle), Aquila chrysaetos (Golden Eagle)

Essential Information

Average Size:Wingspan: 5.9-7.5 ft (1.8-2.3 m)
Average Weight:6.6-15 lbs (3-6.8 kg), varies by species
Average Lifespan:14-30 years in the wild, longer in captivity
Geographical Range:Worldwide, predominantly in North America, Europe, Asia, and Africa
Conservation Status:Least Concern to Critically Endangered, depending on the species (IUCN Red List)

Species and Subspecies

There are over 60 species of eagles, grouped primarily into four categories: sea eagles, fish eagles, booted eagles, and snake eagles. Each category and species have distinct characteristics and adaptations.

The Bald Eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus), a sea eagle, is renowned for its white head and tail feathers and is native to North America. The Golden Eagle (Aquila chrysaetos), a member of the booted eagles, is known for its impressive size and golden-brown plumage, found across the Northern Hemisphere.

Species like the Philippine Eagle (Pithecophaga jefferyi), one of the largest and most powerful eagles and the Philippines’ national animal, are critically endangered, highlighting the diversity in conservation status among eagle species. Subspecies variations often involve differences in size, plumage, and habitat preference, adapted to their specific environments.

Golden eagle
Golden eagle


Eagles are large birds of prey, known for their robust build and powerful beaks and talons. They have a wingspan ranging from 5.9 to 7.5 feet (1.8 to 2.3 meters), making them one of the largest birds in their habitats.

The size and weight vary significantly among different species, with the Steller’s Sea Eagle being one of the largest, weighing up to 15 pounds (6.8 kg), while smaller species like the Booted Eagle weigh much less.

Their plumage is typically dark, with variations of brown, black, and grey, often complemented by lighter or contrasting colors in the head, neck, and tail.

Eagles are known for their sharp, hooked beaks and large, powerful talons, used for hunting and gripping prey. Some species, like the Bald Eagle, have distinctive coloration such as a white head and tail that contrast with their darker body.

In terms of sexual dimorphism, females are generally larger and heavier than males, a common trait in birds of prey. This size difference is thought to be an evolutionary adaptation, allowing the pair to exploit different prey sizes and reduce competition for food.

Habitat and Distribution

Eagles are found worldwide, predominantly in North America, Europe, Asia, and Africa. They inhabit a variety of ecosystems, including forests, mountains, plains, and coastal regions. Each species has adapted to its specific environment, with sea eagles often found near large bodies of water and fish eagles inhabiting riverine or coastal areas.

Eagles are territorial and typically require large home ranges, especially in species that hunt over open or sparse landscapes, like the Golden Eagle. Their nests, known as eyries, are often built in tall trees or cliffs, providing a vantage point for surveying their territory.

Steller's sea eagle
Steller’s sea eagle


Eagles are diurnal, active mainly during the day. They are solitary or live in pairs, especially during the breeding season. Their social structure revolves around a strong pair bond, with some species mating for life.

Communication in eagles involves a combination of calls, body language, and flight displays. Their calls, which vary among species, are used for signaling alarm, defending territory, and communicating with their mate or offspring.

Hunting is a critical aspect of their behavior. Eagles are skilled predators, using their keen eyesight to spot prey from great distances. They hunt using a swift, powerful dive from the air, capturing prey with their sharp talons. Eagles are also known to be opportunistic, feeding on carrion and stealing prey from other birds.

Eagles play a vital role in their ecosystems as apex predators. By controlling populations of small mammals, fish, and other birds, they help maintain ecological balance. Their presence or absence can be an important indicator of the health of their environment.

Diet and Feeding Behavior

Eagles are predominantly carnivorous, with their diet varying significantly based on species and habitat. Fish eagles, such as the Bald Eagle, primarily feed on fish, plucking them from water bodies with their strong talons.

Other species, like the Golden Eagle, prey on small to medium-sized mammals, including rabbits, hares, and even young deer. Birds, reptiles, and carrion also constitute parts of the diet for various eagle species.

Eagles are exceptional hunters, utilizing their keen eyesight, which is among the sharpest of any animal species, to spot prey from great distances.

They typically hunt from a high perch or while soaring in the sky, diving down at high speeds to capture prey with their powerful talons. Some species exhibit remarkable hunting strategies, like the Martial Eagle, which can knock its prey out of the air with its forceful strike.


As apex predators, adult eagles have few natural enemies. However, their eggs and young are vulnerable to predation.

Potential threats include other large birds of prey, such as larger eagles or hawks, and mammals like raccoons, bears, and large cats in some regions.

Human activities, including habitat destruction and pollution, also pose significant threats to eagle populations.

Bald eagle
Bald eagle

Reproduction and Life Cycle

Eagles are generally monogamous, often forming long-term pair bonds. Their breeding habits include elaborate courtship displays, involving aerial acrobatics, vocalizations, and nest building.

Nesting sites are typically chosen for their inaccessibility and clear view of the surrounding area. These nests, or eyries, are often reused and added to each year, growing to enormous sizes.

The female usually lays between one and three eggs, with the number varying among species. Both parents share responsibilities in incubating the eggs and feeding the young.

The incubation period ranges from about 35 to 45 days. Eaglets are altricial, meaning they are born relatively helpless and require significant parental care. They fledge, or leave the nest, several weeks to months after hatching, depending on the species.

Young eagles spend the first few years of their lives exploring and learning to hunt, gradually establishing their own territories. Eagles typically reach sexual maturity between four and five years of age, though they may not breed for several more years. In the wild, eagles can live for 14 to 30 years, and even longer in captivity.

Conservation and Threats

The conservation status of eagles varies by species, with some like the Bald Eagle having made remarkable recoveries, while others remain endangered. Threats to eagle populations include habitat loss, pollution (especially lead poisoning and pesticides), and illegal hunting.

The Bald Eagle, once endangered due to DDT poisoning, has seen a significant recovery following conservation efforts and the banning of DDT in many countries.

Conservation efforts for eagles often involve habitat protection, pollution control, and legal protection from hunting. Several species are protected under national and international laws.

Conservation programs may include breeding programs, habitat restoration, and public education campaigns to raise awareness about the importance of these majestic birds and the threats they face.

Fun Facts

  1. Eagles have exceptional vision; their eyesight is about 4-8 times stronger than that of an average human.
  2. The Philippine Eagle, one of the largest and most powerful eagles, has a wingspan of up to 7 feet and is critically endangered.
  3. Eagle talons are incredibly powerful, capable of exerting significant pressure to instantly kill prey.
  4. Some eagle species, like the Bald Eagle, are known for their vocal calls, which are often used in movies as a generic bird-of-prey sound.
  5. Eagles are revered in many cultures as symbols of freedom, strength, and courage, featuring prominently in national emblems and mythology.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long can eagles live?

In the wild, eagles typically live between 14 and 30 years, depending on the species. In captivity, they can live even longer due to the lack of predators and access to regular food and medical care.

What do eagles eat?

Eagles are carnivorous and primarily feed on fish, small mammals, and birds. Some species also feed on carrion.

How far can an eagle see?

Eagles have incredibly sharp eyesight, allowing them to spot prey from several kilometers away. Their vision is estimated to be 4-8 times more powerful than that of a human.

Are eagles endangered?

The conservation status of eagles varies by species. Some, like the Bald Eagle, have recovered well, while others, like the Philippine Eagle, are critically endangered.

Do eagles mate for life?

Many eagle species form long-term pair bonds and are considered monogamous. They often stay with the same mate for several years or even for life.

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