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Redefining Student Travel: A Journey into Mindful Adventures and Digital Detox

Students need to take care of their mental health and well-being more than they can imagine. The stress of being in college can cause serious damage to students’ quality of life and deteriorate their health. This is because students don’t invest the time to process how they feel, do things for themselves, and put their mental and physical stability as a priority.

Many students turn to traveling to relieve some of the stress and do something good for themselves. But, not all travel forms influence our health positively. This is why it’s important to emphasize that mindful traveling is the best way for students to improve their mental health.

So, what is mindful travel, and what does digital detox have to do with it? Let’s find the answers below.

What is Mindful Travel?

Mindfulness is defined as the state of mind in which a person is present in the moment, fully aware of their surroundings, open to new experiences, and curious to learn about new things. 

Mindful travel can be seen as a method or form of travel that helps a person achieve this state of mindfulness.

The opposite would be to see travel as a mere relocation to another place where you don’t have to perform your typical daily tasks, and you can escape from exams, classes, and writing papers. You don’t have to travel to do this, as you can pay academized to write an essay or attend your classes online.

But, to achieve a state of mindfulness, it’s best to try mindful travel. So, mindful travel is about:

  • exploring the new destination and culture with all your senses
  • staying in touch with your emotions
  • being curious about the new culture, habits, and traditions
  • connecting with the locals
  • setting mental health goals like loving yourself, regaining confidence, or being adventurous and spontaneous

Mindful travel is more about how you feel and make others feel than what you do, see, or eat. And one of the preconditions for successful mindful traveling is a digital detox.

Student traveling in nature

How to do Digital Detox While Traveling?

A digital detox is something we all need from time to time. Still, today’s students may need it more than anyone else, as they’re constantly surrounded by technology.

From being tied to their smartphones for social media and messaging to working on their laptops for school assignments- students’ screen time is off the charts. And, for a successful, mindful travel adventure, this has to change.

So, here are the basic steps of how to do a digital detox while traveling:

  • deactivate your social media 
  • log out of messaging platforms or turn off notifications to use them only when you want to send your family an update about your well-being
  • don’t use your digital devices unless it’s to find travel information, book accommodation, or plan your journey

The less time you spend in front of the screen, the more time you’ll be connecting with your surroundings. That includes spending time outside and engaging in new outdoor activities. These activities can substitute your prior screen time and help you seamlessly transition through the digital detox.

You can try:

  • hiking
  • outdoor yoga or exercising
  • kayaking
  • camping
  • cycling
  • fishing

 Any of these activities can be great for your travel digital detox and help you achieve the state of mindfulness you’re aiming for.

Mindful travel and digital detox

Mindful Travel: Benefits For Students

Now that it’s clear what mindful travel is and why digital detox is crucial for its success let’s consider the benefits of such adventurous journeys for students. How does mindful travel help students in their struggle with mental health balance, and why should they practice it more?

Reducing Stress

Studies show that 80% of US college students experience stress daily and frequently. And we know stress can cause several serious health issues, so coping with it or eliminating it is a high priority.

Mindful travel reduces stress and can help students who are fighting anxiety or depression. 

Reconnecting to yourself, the outdoors, and the people around you is key to letting go of the things that are stressing you out and allowing yourself to feel better.

Achieving Self-Awareness

With less time to worry and more time to relax, introspect, and deal with your emotions, you’ll slowly become more self-aware. This will lead to an increase in your confidence, better problem-solving, less anxious episodes, and a more relaxed state of mind.

Being Thankful

Putting things in a different perspective often changes the way we see the world. Mindful travel teaches you gratitude and shows that it’s the little things that can make us truly happy.

Recharging Batteries

Finally, mindful travel helps students get the rest they need- both mentally and physically. After a mindful adventure and a digital detox, students will be ready to get back to their academic life, more motivated and energized than before.

Final Thoughts

Student travel desperately needs to be redefined. Instead of wasting your energy on another empty travel episode, try mindful travel for a change. Engage in a digital detox and actively work on your mental health while you’re away.

Soon, you’ll realize just how powerful and necessary mindful travel is for you and all your fellow students. 

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