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52 Birds That Start With T

Take a tour through the terrific world of birds that start with the letter ‘T’. This segment of our avian alphabet series features a fascinating array of species from the tiny Titmouse to the towering Tawny Eagle.

Birds beginning with ‘T’ are known for their adaptability and variety, populating diverse habitats across the globe. Let’s explore these birds and appreciate their unique characteristics and the significant roles they play in their ecosystems.

List of Birds That Start With T

  • Tanager
  • Tawny Eagle
  • Tawny Frogmouth
  • Tawny Owl
  • Teal
  • Temminck’s Stint
  • Tern
  • Thrasher
  • Three-wattled Bellbird
  • Thrush
  • Tickell’s Leaf Warbler
  • Tinamou
  • Tit
  • Titmouse
  • Tody
  • Tody-Flycatcher
  • Tody-Motmot
  • Tomtit
  • Topaz Hummingbird
  • Torrent Duck
  • Toucan
  • Toucanet
  • Touraco
  • Towhee
  • Townsend’s Solitaire
  • Townsend’s Warbler
  • Tree Pipit
  • Tree Sparrow
  • Tree Swallow
  • Treecreeper
  • Tropicbird
  • Trumpeter Swan
  • Tufted Coquette
  • Tufted Duck
  • Tufted Flycatcher
  • Tufted Puffin
  • Tufted Titmouse
  • Tui
  • Tui Parakeet
  • Tundra Bean-Goose
  • Tundra Swan
  • Turkey
  • Turkey Vulture
  • Turquoise Dacnis
  • Turquoise Motmot
  • Turquoise Parrot
  • Turquoise-browed Motmot
  • Twite
  • Twite
  • Two-barred Crossbill
  • Tyrannulet
  • Tyrant Flycatcher

More Bird Lists By First Letter

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